
OrigamIM: A Dataset of Ambiguous Sentence Interpretations for Social Grounding and Implicit Language Understanding


Sentences elicit different interpretations and reactions among readers, especially when there is ambiguity in their implicit layers. We present a first-of-its kind dataset of sentences from Reddit, where each sentence is annotated with multiple interpretations of its meanings, understandings of implicit moral judgments about mentioned people, and reader impressions of its author. Scrutiny of the dataset proves the evoked variability and polarity in reactions. It further shows that readers strongly disagree on both the presence of implied judgments and the social acceptability of the behaviors they evaluate. In all, the dataset offers a valuable resource for socially grounding language and modeling the intricacies of implicit language understanding from multiple reader perspectives.


Liesbeth Allein and Marie-Francine Moens (2024) OrigamIM: A Dataset of Ambiguous Sentence Interpretations for Social Grounding and Implicit Language Understanding. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Perspectivist Approaches to NLP (NLPerspectives) @ LREC-COLING 2024, pages 116–122, Torino, Italia.


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